Alpha Bucks
Alpha Bucks is a game of alphabetical answers and cash prizes. Based on the popular Hit Network radio contest, the fun interactive game tests your knowledge across a huge range of categories. I worked closely with the Soap Creative team creating the app from scratch over an 8 week period.

Game Modes
We developed loads of settings and modes to maximise gameplay such as solo game or multiplayer, classic or random letter mode plus set time limits or the super challenging streak mode – where it's game over after your first incorrect answer.

We created a database of hundreds of diverse categories ranging from "Something associated with cold weather" or "An Item you put in a stir fry" to "Name A Katy Perry song" or "Name A famous Boy Band".

Results & Answers
By playing the game, users earned coins which could be used to enter a $1000 weekly cash draw which was held in each state over a period of 12 weeks. Higher points were awarded to the least common correct answers.

I led the UI and UX design for the entire agile based project from initial wireframes (pictured above) through to InVision based prototypes and final UI designs.

The app has had an amazing reception on both iOS and Android, reaching number 1 in the Entertainment category on the iOS App Store chart and has maintained a 4 star review rating on both platforms since its release.