Captain Creative

A Passionate, Pixel Punching, Problem Solving, Perfectionist

Greetings! It is I! Superhero visual designer Brad James. Thanks for dropping by my not so secret hideout. I’ve been flexing my design muscles for over 15 years with professional experience in UI design, UX, branding, print and illustration.


A passionate, pixel punching,
problem solving, perfectionist 


Secret identity revealed

Greetings! It is I! Superhero UI designer Brad James. I’m a digital problem solver who is passionate about crafting beautiful, and visually engaging product experiences that are accessible to all users.

I’ve been flexing my design muscles for over 20 years creating intuitive web and native app UI with relentless attention to detail for Australia’s biggest brands including Telstra, Qantas, ING, Ferrero, Weet-Bix and the NSW Government.

I’m currently considering new opportunities to unleash my UI design superpowers, terrible dad jokes and obscure Simpsons references.



Who I've worked for